
Posts Tagged ‘Texting while driving’

New England is known for it’s bipolar weather disorder.  You can get pretty much all four seasons within the space of a week and in the past year that’s actually happened more than once.  Therefore it’s of no big shocker that good ole’ New England was slammed by a hurricane last week.  Just scroll down my blog and you’ll see mention of it.

We get rain.  It’s not abnormal.  In fact it’s the exact opposite of abnormal.  We get piddly drizzle and we get heavy downpours.  We get normal steady rain.

So why in the world after typical frequent rain and an average (okay, not really average, there’s been a shit ton of flooding and damage) hurricane are people having trouble figuring out how to drive in the rain today? It’s not heavy and it’s not making the roads slippery or bad.  There’s no standing water.  Sure, the rivers are still swollen and muddy from the hurricane but the roads are fine.

How do I know people are having trouble driving? In the space of running errands during two hours this afternoon, I witnessed no less than three car accidents.  One car was wrapped around a tree on the side of the highway.  The emergency personnel weren’t even rushing around.  The ambulance, police, and fire truck were all there with lights on, but no one was rushing around… and there was someone in the driver’s seat of the crashed car.  😦  On the back roads, there was a two car crash.  The ambulance was already there and people were walking around, but the cars were really bad.  Another accident had three cars with lots of flashing lights and more on the way on the highway.

During the heavier rain, which meant heavier traffic, I saw this young woman texting while driving.  On the highway.  At 65 MPH.  TEXTING.  Looking down and texting.  I passed her as soon as I could to keep her behind me. I didn’t want to risk getting myself and my daughter in a wreck because of texting and bad weather.

Then we almost got shoved off the highway.  People don’t check their rear-view mirrors and they don’t use their signal lights.  I was in the left lane, parallel with the car in the right lane, and the person to the right didn’t bother even turning their head to see if anyone was there before trying to change to the left lane.  I WAS THERE! I leaned on my horn to say, “I’M HERE! BACK OFF!” But somehow, I was wrong, apparently, because the lane-changing idiot was screaming at me, leaning on his horn all of a sudden and flipping me off.  Yes, it’s my fault he wasn’t paying attention.


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